
Showcase Videos

Houston Wedding Video | Genovese Studios

View our sample wedding videos to see why Genovese Studios is one of the top professional wedding videographers in Houston, Galveston, Louisiana, and beyond!

Videos are best viewed from a computer on a larger screen to showcase the exceptional quality of the films we create.

Your search for Houston wedding video ends here! Through decades of combined experience our photo and video team will capture all of the moments of your wedding day. Our expert team of professional videographers works directly alongside our professional photo team to provide a seamless experience for our clients. When you reserve our photo and video team you won’t have to worry about coordinating with both before your wedding. Our experience working together allows us to ensure that we’re not in each others shots. We know where we’ll be during the most important moments of your wedding day, and we can help each other perform at our very best to give you the most amazing product possible!

Let us show you why decades of professional experience matters!

Enjoy a STRESS FREE wedding day with the confidence of booking a highly experienced photo and video team. We’ll guide you through your wedding day, eliminating opportunities for stress by staying organized and efficient. As a result you can focus on simply enjoying your wedding day while we capture everything as it happens!

Make sure to spend time viewing our expansive portfolio. We have galleries full of beautiful images captured from hundreds of weddings! Likewise make sure to view or sample galleries section where we feature complete photo galleries from real clients.

See our profile on TheKnot.com where we’ve been awarded “Best of Weddings Hall of Fame” again in 2023!

View our business profile on Google and read real client reviews!

Visit our profile on WeddingWire.com where we have a long list of real client reviews!

Don’t risk your once-in-a-lifetime memories to the inexperienced and unproven … After it’s all over your photos and video will be all that remain!

Enter your information in our contact form to recieve our full wedding photography and video price list. Afterwards we’ll be happy to schedule a time to chat and learn all about your wedding day.

CONTACT US today for our pricing information and availability!